Are you addicted to collecting garden seeds? If you’re with me then here is the best garden seed organizer you need to have.

Hi, my name is Cynthia and I am addicted to collecting garden seeds. Yes I live in an apartment, but I can’t help myself. There are some amazing and strange varieties of garden seeds out there and while I don’t have the space to grow them, I’m saving them for one day.
This budget-friendly seed storage container was originally designed as a photo keeper. I’ve actually seen these used in many elementary school classrooms (aka what I originally bought mine for) but when I saw it for garden seed organization I thought, brilliant!
I love this garden seed organizer because it will keep your growing collection organized and will give you room to continue growing your stash.
I’ll be showing you how to organize your seeds as well as some general seed storing tips to keep your seeds fresh for when you decide to use them.
This post is all about the best garden seed organizer.
Garden Seed Organization
Seed Storing Tips
First things first, consider whether or not you are going to be actively using the stash you are organizing. I know that seems like common sense, but the conditions in which you store your seeds will vary depending on how often you are pulling this out.
For instance, I am storing my seeds for longevity. It is not likely I will have the garden space to plant all that I have, so I will want to store my seeds with that in mind. The conditions described below will allow seeds to last easily 5 years.
Ideal conditions for longevity are:
- Dark/ low light
- Consistent temperature of about 40° F / 4°C
- Low Humidity
If you however will be using your seeds within the year then you may not have to be as strict on your seed storage conditions. The back of a cool, dark closet or basement could suffice for you. The key is as cool and dark as possible!
One thing to note is if you are storing for longevity, this garden seed organizer will take up quite a bit of real estate in your fridge. I’ve dedicated a crisper drawer to my seeds and I will be taking the individual boxes out of the larger box to save space.
Seed storage ideas
Now for the fun part, for me anyway, categorizing your seeds! There are many seed storage ideas you could use here. You can categorize based on vegetable groups, by months or seasons, by planting dates, indoor starter vs direct sow. This will depend on preference. I personally will be going with the following categories:
- Nightshades (Peppers, Tomatoes, Potatoes & Eggplants)
- Herbs
- Vining Crops (Cucumber, Melons, Squash)
- Brassicas (Cabbage, Kale, Broccoli, Cauliflower)
- Leafy Greens (Spinach, Chard, Lettuce)
- Legumes (Peas, Beans, Limas)
- Flowers
- Root Vegetables (Carrots, Onions, Beets, Garlic & Radishes)
I have quite a few carrot varieties and tomatoes, but not enough to start creating more refined categories. So for now slightly more broad groupings works for me. Any detail lists or notes I’d like to make will go on the front of each individual box using masking tape and a sharpie.
DIY Seed Organizer
All you’ll need is this storage container, a label maker and of course your seeds. As you can see I’m a very big fan of Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. If you don’t have a label maker, no worries, masking tape and a sharpie will work just as well and probably better. Insert eye roll at my label maker that jams every other word.

With your categories in mind go to town labeling your garden seed organizer to your heart’s content.
I hope you find this easy DIY seed storage system to be as useful as I do.
It truly is the best garden seed organizer!